To the whole Speak Easy team, thanks so much for all the effort you must have put in to this. I am very honoured and grateful to have been selected to take part in it. The opening night was a huge success and very well attended, everyone seemed to linger and enjoy the art, the event, and personal interaction.
When walking into the gallery I was struck by the variety of the work presented, not only in style but also in presentation. Some are very large, some are tiny, some framed, some not. It is an intelligent photography exhibition which encourages you to appreciate the images and think at the same time. It contains central threads of ideas which have influenced how the photographs have been taken, style following content. The work on display is thoughtful, sensitive, well crafted, subtle.
Works by: Brian Barrer, Mark Belvedere, Genevieve Blais, Maxime Bocken, Zoe Bridgman, Julie Castonguay, Daniel Chiu, Shirin Divanbeigui, Gillian Foster, Matthew Fung, James Helmer, Adam Johnston, Catherine Jones, Namrita Kohli, Kyungmin Lee, Bernadette Leno, Ralph Martin, Marta McKenzie, Melissa Mercier, Robert Quance, PM Rendon, Tom Ridout, Rachelle Sabourin, Annette Seip, Mafalda Silva, The Dopamine Collective, Akas Tarmaji, Natalie Viecili, Esther Vincent, Wanted Media, Wioletta Wesolowski, Nicola Woods, Aleksandra Woszczyna, Alice Zilberberg.
I owe an enormous amount of gratitude to Speak Easy for organizing and curating such a wonderful exhibit.